Saturday, February 25, 2006

Can u guess wat's special abt this?


The Spotless Mind !!! said...

for all those people looking for an answer,there's always defeat in victory...

N said...

I see it this way.. You see defeat only if you choose not see victory.. What say??

The Spotless Mind !!! said...

@Solitary Reaper
u r absolutely right

RSP said...

I think it wud have been nice if there was victory hidden in defeat......cos u shud b able to see (and achieve) your target/goal despite the obstacles around it.
I donno if u cud get that....but surely it is a superb pic..

Gayathri Chandrashekar said...

In each victory..there is hidden a defeat..and defeat the defeat..victory is yours!Im I right?

The Spotless Mind !!! said...

@raja sekhar
surely i don't get it that well for obstacles doesn't mean u hav lost it. it means still there are miles to travel to win or lose. and thanks

yeah, somewhat true!